Saturday, October 25, 2014

Internet Safety Week 1

My Dear Fifth Graders,

Here it is!

Here is the blog I was telling you about.  The first couple of posts will teach procedures and talk about internet safety etc.  From then on, the blog will be used for classroom instruction, communication and as a way of building community.  Ack, I am so excited!

To begin, click on the link below and watch the video:
BrainPOP Blog Intro

For the next few entries, we will be reviewing internet safety and netiquette.  You will NOT be allowed to comment until all of your forms have been turned in.  For now, just relish the anticipation!

("Relish the anticipation."  What does that mean?  If you know, tell me.  If you don't, look it up or ask someone!)

Mrs. Simon 


  1. Mrs. Simon says... SO CUTE!! Your profile shows exactly how you feel about your students, and I love that it's there in writing for them, just in case they forget! Great job on the blog, Becky! :)

  2. I could immediately tell that this was a student-centered blog. The books and language was very inviting.

  3. Becky-I love how you reminded each student the rules for comments..and the reason for the blog-"to encourage each other and build each other up"! I hope this is a place where your students feel welcome to share their thoughts and ideas! Great job!

  4. You have a good flow . You seem to know exactly where you're headed, unlike myself! ;)

  5. I am liking this project. It's one of the ones I've liked the most throughout the semester so far. I also really like your blog and "Mrs. Simon Says" is a super cute word play.


Students, you may leave up to 5 comments. Don't get carried away!

Before you comment, remember: Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it helpful?

This blog is to encourage each other and build each other up!